Sunday, August 7, 2011

Tent City

Spencer and I went for a walk above the village after the race on Saturday.  We had heard that campers extended to the train station and beyond.  It was a drizzly afternoon and the main part of town was a mess (and really quite smelly) so a walk seemed the best idea.

Although we had heard about the campers being everywhere, we were still surprised to see the sheer mass of them.  Every available spot of grass was taken, even medians between roads as well as the train station property.  The most disturbing part for me was the amount of garbage.  I felt sure, and my thoughts confirmed later by Isabel, that these folks don't pack it in and pack it out.  The city has a massive clean-up on Sunday.  And the campers leave by mid-morning on Sunday, at the insistence of the local police.
Hanging off the traffic island.

Sleeping it off.  Mind you this is about 7:30PM!

Campers at the train station.  We saw hoards of people getting off a double-long train (4 cars).  Apparently, they come from Arriondas, where they camped last night,  to party in Ribadesella and then go back in the morning.

Looking down onto the highway leading west, out of town.

Louis spent the entire afternoon and evening upstairs playing with Isabel's grandsons, Santi and Pablo.  I went to get him at 9:30PM and ended up chatting with Isabel, Carlos and their daughter, Marta for an hour and a half.  It has been fun for the boys to play together.  Apparently, Santi is quite bummed we are leaving soon.

Spencer, August and Oliver went out late to check out the party scene.  Isabel had said that Saturday night brings even more people than Friday.  That would be those we saw getting off the train from Arriondas!  The guys said it was about the same as the night before.  We've heard estimates that 300,000 people come into Ribadesella for the fiesta!  Wow, remember this is a town of 6,000!  I was happy to stay home with Louis, read, close my bedroom window and go to sleep.

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