We made it to our hotel, checked in and made a quick exit to explore San Sebastian. San Sebastian is in the Basque country so all the signs are in the Basque language, Euskara, and usually, Spanish (Castellano). San Sebastian in Euskara is Donostia so you can see that Euskara bears no resemblance to Spanish.
Our sweet little hotel in Lasarte, 6km outside of San Sebastian. |
Our hotel name is pronounced "Chartel." The combination "tx" appears everywhere in Euskara |
Oliver looking cool in front of a skate shop near the beach. |
Euskara-language newspaper... |
After a long day of driving it was a hectic and frenetic experience driving in San Sebastian. We did end up finding some parking after a rather illegal u-turn. But look what we were rewarded with!
After crossing the Rio Urumea. Performing arts center at left. Wait until you see this at night! |
Puente de Zurriola over the Rio Urumea |
We headed for the Parte Vieja (old part) neighborhood for some tapas (pintxos) and really cool, old streets. If you've never tapas-bar hopped, it's a lot of fun. You pick what you want from the bar, show your plates to the bartender, order a drink, pay and eat at the bar or bar tables. Yum! Then you move on to the next tapas bar.
A typical tapas bar. |
Tapa with gula, baby eels. Despite peer pressure, I couldn't get Spencer to try one. |
Eduardo, a real character of a tapas bartender who took a liking to Louis. He kept giving Louis slices of ham and Trina (soda). He first guessed we were from the US, then guessed Texas (hmmm...). His second guess was Colorado. We still aren't sure if he saw "Boulder, Colorado" on Oliver's Frasca shirt. |
Mi amigo!! Actually, a racy men's underwear store but I thought I'd spare you all anymore of that. |
Typical street in Parte Vieja |
We hit San Sebastian during the harbor (muelle) festival. It was quite a scene! This "boat and crowd" paraded it's way through the narrow streets of Parte Vieja, ending up in the square. Then we saw a parade of drummers in traditional garb go by.
I love San Sebastian! I miss pintxos and getting lost in the old town's maze of cobble stone streets. What a wonderful place! I'm glad you guys made it there.