We never could figure out the scoring, even after we googled Asturian bowling. It seemed as if the players would score a different amount of points for, what appeared to be, the same number of pins. It was a pretty somber affair; there was little clapping and almost no cheering. We only clapped when the rest of the audience did...since we never really knew when a good throw was made.
Spencer read that some form of this bowling existed as far back as the 15th or 16th century.
News crew filming |
Setting up the pins. To the right is the high-tech ball return, complete with plastic tube. |
The competing teams: at left Eugenio y Carmen, Sara y Sergio at right. |
Sara winds up... |
Carmen aims...Eugenio waits for the ball to return at the cut-out in the tube....made because the women's platform is further forward than the men's. |
Eugenio steps up to the platform, which is further back than the women's platform. Notice ball return at left. |
The release... |
Sergio, just after the release... |
Sara aims...look at that concentration! |
The award ceremony. Sara and Sergio win! |
Love the "Swe-dish" satellite dish! :)